
Tutorial Subject

My tutorial subject will be on basic AI movement. The three main elements of AI movement I will cover is using tagpoints, paths and making AI follow the player. This will incorporate the use of the Database to load libraries, the AI objects including tagpoints and paths, and the Flowgraph including the nodes of:



Porosity Lens Brief

My porosity lens will focus on gaining an understanding of how people move throughout a certain space. Movement is a dynamic and, more importantly, an ephemeral occurrence. That is, movement happens constantly, but once the movement has occurred, most record of it is lost with the exception of footprints, for example.

My porosity lens will use 'breadcrumbs' to monitor movement within the environment. These breadcrumbs provide a way of monitoring movement after the event has occurred, containing information such as direction, distance and speed.

The second part of my porosity lens will investigate how different areas of an environment are used in different ways. My way of demonstrating this will be through a high-rise building. Each floor will, when entered by a character, glow a certain brightness depending on how many have visited it previously. This will show the volume of use each floor recieves.



This is the initial environment I have developed for EXP02:

The environment will be a work-site. I believe this provides a good opportunity to best display the Porosity lens.


Research Idea

My initial idea for a topic of research for the research assignment is to do with basic AI movements.

This could include the FlowGraph nodes:


I believe this would be a good topic for this research assignment as it is a topic which I have found difficult to master and noticed a great lack in help when trying to get these interactions to work properly. The tutorial would focus on basic movements and interactions, and not delve into anything more complex.


Very cool crysis mod

Flowgraph node videos

Material Param. & AIGotoSpeedStance:

Flowgraph for the glow material parameter
Flowgraph for the AI movement

Proximity trigger - Light:

EXP02 flowgraph nodes

Flowgraph node 01: Entity: ProximityTrigger

Triggers an event when a chosen entity is within a certain range.

Flowgraph node 02: Entity:MaterialParam

Change parameters of the materials applied to entities, such as glow amount, colour and opacity.

Flowgraph node 03: AI:AIGotoSpeedStance

Make an AI go to a certain position, at a certain speed.

What I hope to do with these flowgraph nodes, either in combination or in isolation, is to create an environment in which AI characters move around at random. Their movements will trigger lights set up within the space which will turn on and change hue depending on how many AI characters are within each trigger. This will create a 'heat map' of the environment, and essentially show a map of the movement and density of people within a space.


Filefront link:

3D Warehouse link: